Invite Professor Ehi Aimiuwu to speak about any of these topics to your students.

We assist disadvantaged students in Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) & Special Education with special needs as well as college students in their homework, tests, & exams as well as these resources:
- Value of Education
- How to stay in school
- How to choose the right career path
- Choosing the right company to work
- How to survive adverse times
The purpose of this Website is to assist disadvantaged students in Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) & Special Education with special needs as well as college students in their homework, tests, & exams. We have provided simple math solving strategies to calculate percentages and solve equations in algebra; find circumference, radius, and diameter in geometry; and solve triangles, hypotenuse, and right angle triangle in trigonometry. We have also provided cool online math games, free online math videos, free science & technology fieldtrips, as well as free dance-drama for after-school programs. Our free online math videos include: Solve numbers with different signs; calculate slope & Y-intercept; calculate LCM & GCF; solve fractions with whole numbers; solve for X within a fraction; and solve with PEMDAS. We also encourage students to read the Bible at Daily Bible Reading Calendar., Inc has created various questions that children can work on or refer to in order to do their math solving homework or answer math equation solver problems on their math worksheets. Low-income and economically disadvantaged after-school K-12 children in title 1 schools also need to be exposed to free science fieldtrips and dance-drama in order to add value to the quality education they are getting. Seeing is believing!!! Seeing real science and technology in action as well as playing a role in dance and in drama can also be a rewarding experience for the future of these children., Inc is a Christian non-profit organization and was founded in August 2001. We received our official 501 (c) (3) status from the United States IRS in May 2006.
Dance & Drama