Algebra Question for Title 1 Schools: Time & Pay Question?

9) Paul worked from 8:15 AM  to 10:30 PM. If Paul gets $10 an hour for 8 hours of work and a time and 1/2 over 8 hours in a day, how much will Paul make?

8:15 AM + 8 hours = 16:15 = 4:15 PM (end of 8 hour work day)

10:30 PM – 4:15PM = 6:15 hours (hours over the 8 hour work day)

8 hour work day x $10 = $80

6:15 hours = 6 .25 (15 is a quarter of 60 minutes = 25%)

6.25 x $15 ($10 is a time and addition $5 is the half payment)


93.75 + 80 = $173.75